Archive for the ‘Decorating’ Category

The Weedon Project – something a little different
An interior designer we love working for asked if we fancied tackling something a little different – it was time to crack open the hobnobs. And sit and think.
WWII ex MOD ammunition stores building – in Weedon Northamptonshire. Challenging? certainly! and that was BEFORE the climbing wall was installed!!
The building hadn’t been touched for over thirty years, the dust was undisturbed, (and so the Weedon Spiders had become quite happy in their home… ) and what with the many layers of distemper /and other traditional paints, the badly degraded surfaces needed a lot of our TLC and experience of old properties to bring the property up to standard.
We applied eco paints – one of our favourites, Earthborn, for those keen to ensure that old surfaces can breathe. There are some interesting original timber bands in the brickwork, maybe you know of someone, (long since retired – I know!) who worked there and can let us know what part they played in the buildings use. There is also an enclosed deep reservoir of water outside, maybe ready as a fire wall or source in case of explosion?
Anyway. It was a great project to be involved in. It’s open to the public.
#The Weedon Project #Northampton #Northampton Decorator #Specialist Heritage Decorating #EarthbornPaints

Decorating in a period property
Hand painted solid wood cabinets, beautifully finished in specialist trade paints for an exceptional result. The extra wow factor from sparkling gold fleck work surfaces #handpainted kitchen #slakedlime #Stamford #RutlandDecorator

Little Greene Paint – reliable, quality , and superb results
Looking good at Newark Town Hall. Little Greene Paint – beautiful results every time. #Craftsman #Decorator #Interior #LittleGreene

Painted furniture and grand rooms
Ta Dah! A stunning property in Devon – beautiful sunlight reflecting from the sea and the glorious uninterrupted skies.
Interior decorating to painted furniture, painstaking care to decorate the plasterwork ceilings and walls, and exterior decorating to protect this listed building from the weather.
Blissful location for the Harborough Decorating team! , and a privilege to be working alongside other expert traditional craftsmen here. (Skillington’s of Derbyshire).
#Decorating #Craftsman #Painted Furniture #Painted Cupboards #Painted Kitchens

Hand Painted Furniture
Perfect Preparation again – in a lounge – hand painted furniture, coffee table and consoles. Expert treatments, expensive best quality brushes and tools and quality paints on beautifully smooth surfaces. Time, experience and knowledge. #Craftsman

Hand Painted Furniture – Bathrooms
There is something I find peaceful about decorating bathrooms – maybe the calm space, the warmth and often the gentle reflections from the smooth surfaces of porcelain and marble and metals.
This project recently completed is hard to photograph, so a couple of pictures and a few words hopefully will give you the atmosphere.
Firstly we decorated the client’s home several years ago, she didn’t want or need radical change in the bathroom, but a bit of Fizz!
So. We hand painted the woodwork, the furniture and bath surrounds. And then dragged a finish over, and laid gold leaf on the drag finish lines. Way too subtle to show up here – but trust me, absolutely gorgeous. Suffused warm reflection and a beautiful sparkle. Satisfying. Very.

Everyone needing decorating inspiration should be looking at Houzz
We love Houzz! A great place for proper decorating ideas, big pictures and great access to who did what and where. Weekends often mean a fresh look at our homes, and a feeling for a change! Kettle on – kick back and browse….

The best wallcovering project a craftsman decorating team could wish for
Recently I spent time with Allyson McDermott, and had the privilege of seeing how a fine wallcovering was created in her studios prior to Harborough Decorators team hanging it in a very special location.
Using gold leaf, distemper and traditional flock, the results are truly outstanding, and will last for many many years. The room will inspire many who travel through or sit quietly and we are proud to have been associated with this historic space. A couple of pictures wont do the room justice. The light travels over the surface and is just amazing. There weren’t any offcuts – each drop was made to measure, each drop numbered to correspond to the plan as it went around the room. Made all the team feel very proud when it was finished!

Wallpaper – decorate to transform a London town house.
We were really excited to hang this hand printed wallcovering for one of our clients homes. A luxury wallpaper which (prior to hanging) required edge trimming by hand, this was an American manufactured 32″wide (English papers are usually 21″ wide).
Scott Maddux Associates – award winning designer had specified the whole design scheme, where traditional decorating skills including expert wallpaper hanging were required.
Great team to work with, we include Scott and Jo amongst our “Most Fun To Work With Designers”.

Interior Decoration to create a surprise!
Ok, when you are planning the decorating, its your chance to create an impact! To En-trance! Create impact and magic , the cute outside can be concealing some quite eye- catching and unexpected interior decorating !
Here are a couple of interior pictures showing suprise interiors, taken in different homes , all with a real Wow factor! Ask us to help chose the papers and effects to work best – years of experience will provide the knowledge and techniques for a stunning result.